How to Make a Easy Goose Call

If you've ever sat out in a field blind listening to your hunting buddies call for geese or even sat at the local refuge and watched geese interact and communicate with each other. You'll notice that there seem to be numerous notes or sounds a goose will make. Therefore, when you begin learning how to blow a goose call your second step or note will usually be the goose cluck.

Goose Cluck

Learning The Goose Cluck –

Once you've been able to understand how to create the honk, (If you are looking for a refresher or haven't learned the honk yet. Check out How to Blow a Goose call.) You'll be able to move onto the cluck. Which really is a shortened version of the honk. Think of taking the moan of a honk and shortening it as close to the honk as possible. As a result, this is going to give you the cluck. So by following the steps and video below, you'll be able to accomplish the second foundational call for goose hunting. Simply put with knowing how to honk and cluck, you'll easily be able to call in geese in the field.

  • STEP – 1
    • First, start with a regular honk and moan. Then shorten the moan up little by little until you create just a goose cluck. Therefore, you are just breaking over the call to get the cluck.
  • STEP – 2
    • Once you can make a quick and sharp cluck, you can start changing the volume and pressure to get a low, medium, to high cluck. You may even need to mess with your hand placement to get the right pitch in your goose cluck. Think of your hand placement as closing your on hand, and closing it more for low notes and opening the hand up a little on higher notes.

Learning The Goose Cluck | Cluck Part 1

The Cluck Part 2 –

  • The second part of making your cluck more successful is to create a scale of sound. Meaning you want to create clucks of varying volume and pitch. This gives your goose call the ability to sound like multiple geese. Take a look at the video below to learn how to create a cluck scale that can help you fool birds into your decoys.

How To Blow A Goose Call | Cluck Part 2

When To Use The Goose Cluck –

Learning how to make a cluck or honk is a crucial part when it comes to calling in geese. However, one additional component to learn and remember is when to use the goose cluck. Some of the factors to consider is your location, time of the season, and conditions. However, the most important part is when scouting the geese you plan on hunting. Pay attention to how and when the birds cluck. For example, as groups begin to fly into the scouted feed field, how are the geese responding. Low clucks, high goose clucks, these are the things that are going to give you an idea of how the geese are communicating.

Thankfully, the goose cluck is one of the foundations to goose calling. Therefore, you more than likely will be sending out a few clucks to the geese your looking to decoy. Instead, practice paying attention and remembering what seemed to get birds to commit or flare, to refrain from the cadence or pitch for future hunts.

How To Practice the Goose Cluck –

I've found there are two ideal times to practice the cluck. First is during the season if you are a less experienced goose caller and you know you are hunting with a seasoned caller. Ask if you can call with them, of course, preempt that you are still learning or what to improve. However, live action calling is going to give you the best practice and experience. Although, there is some etiquette to follow, first work on the basics. For example, just use your clucks and moans. This way you are focused and practicing one or two variables. The other tip is to call when geese are at a distance alongside the seasoned caller. Try and let the more experienced caller finish the birds into the decoys. You don't want to be the reason the birds became weary or decoy shy.

The next best time is to practice in the offseason. It sounds easy, however, I know a majority of the weekend warrior goose hunters usually hang up the gear after the season and don't touch it till the fall. Some of the best callers I've known are practicing non-stop all during the offseason. They take their calls with them in their truck and call at the stop lights. One of the best things that have started to help with goose calling is to record yourself. Practice your goose cluck in the garage or house and record yourself. It gives you a much better idea of what you sound like compared to tiring to critique yourself as you're calling.

Next Step After The Goose Cluck

  • Intermediate Goose Calling – Spit Note & Spit Cluck
    • If you are looking to step up your goose calling and need some tips and how to videos on the Spit Note and Spit Cluck check out the Intermediate calling tips.

About The Author –

Chris Gezella is an avid outdoorsman and hunter. Growing up he was always out shooting trap and chasing upland birds, but his true passion resides in waterfowl hunting. As the owner of Alpha Dog Nutrition he has a passion for bird dogs, and as a hobby, he also helps operate The Upland Hunter, The Waterfowl Hunter & Guns Cleaner.


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