what does it mean to have low potassium

What Causes Depression Potassium
And Potassium Deficiency?

What Causes Low Potassium or potassium deficiency is a combination of factors. The main causes of low potassium are actually pretty simple- and adequately obvious - but there is one surprising fact about what causes depression potassium that I'll bet that you didn't know nigh.

Many people, fifty-fifty young and seemingly good for you people, accept mild potassium deficiency- notwithstanding almost don't bear witness any symptoms or have any issues- at least non obvious ones that doctors relate to low potassium levels. But people with heart problems and those who are ill very frequently have potassium deficiencies that can cause heart rhythm abnormalities, cramps and other bug. But nearly of these problems could have been avoided by fugitive the causes of low potassium that will be outlined below.

Not Getting Enough Magnesium

Not getting enoughMagnesium is actuallyVERY likely to be the most common cause of low potassium! The Signs of Low Potassium:

  • Weakness
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Fatigue

Are all the same as Signs of Magnesium Deficiency likewise! So, many of the signs of potassium deficiency are actually signs ofMAGNESIUMdeficiency- and Non actually caused from the potassium at all!

In fact, potassium and magnesium areSO closely linked that in some studies, they were actually able to give those with potassium deficiency a Normal Potassium Level by but givingMAGNESIUM. While that doesn't seem to make any sense, on the Magnesium Facts page, y'all'll see that magnesium is a 'master nutrient' that is responsible for the ability of many other nutrients to exist captivated as well.

What causes low potassium? You might be surprised.

Other studies have found that people with chronically low potassium levels wereFINALLY able to maintain their potassium levelsONLYafter their magnesium was replaced!!

It might make you wonder why they didn't supervene upon the magnesium in the first identify. Well, claret Magnesium Levels are completely inaccurate and miss almost 90% of magnesium deficiencies. Yet doctors rely on these tests completely in order to determine whether to give magnesium or not. And so well-nigh magnesium deficiencies end upward getting missed while those with potassium deficiency suffer and their problems often become 'chronic' problems.

Non Getting Enough Potassium

As long as there are no metabolic or digestive bug present, the nigh mutual problem that causes low potassium is simply non getting plenty in foods.

Since potassium is a water soluble vitamin and gets excreted into the urine and stool, you must get potassium every single day in your food in society to run into your needs.

Magnesium Is for Movement Video

Virtually people (including doctors) have it for granted that you are able to run into all of your nutrient needs in food. Just the vast majority of people consume few fresh fruits and vegetables and they are the main nutrient sources of potassium.

If you are non eating plenty fruits and vegetables, then it's very probable that yous are not getting enough potassium OR magnesium -and this isWhat Causes Low Potassium in almost people eating highly refined 'Western' diets. If this sounds like you lot, then consider changing to a nutrition with whole, organic foods such every bit outlined in The Salubrious Urban Kitchen .

Pharmaceutical Drugs

Since magnesium is water soluble, drugs that cause more urination and/or bowel movements tin can lead to decreased potassium levels. In item, the chief drugs that can pb to low potassium levels are:

  • Diuretics or 'Water Pills
  • 'Laxatives
  • Any drugs that cause Magnesium Depletion

Few doctors are concerned about potassium levels due to prescription drug usage unless they are taking diuretic 'water pills'. But this is a VERY existent problem with many drugs that may be responsible for the Side Effects such as weakness, muscle cramps, and other issues that tin can be especially devastating to the elderly who may end upwardly unnecessarily being hospitalized or fifty-fifty falling and breaking bones from these preventable side effects!

Sodas and Junk Food

Many people who beverage sodas often beverage multiple sodas on a daily basis, just this could exist what causes depression potassium levels- peculiarly in younger people. Drinking big amounts of soda and other sugary drinks tin can also deplete potassium in two ways.

The first fashion is that the sugary sodas themselves cause you to lose potassium. The second is that the empty calories fill you upward and don't leave room for food-dumbo foods thatDO contain magnesium and potassium.

This could be leading to the all too common problem of sudden death in young and healthy athletes. This is frequently acquired from a heart condition called Prolonged QT Interval. These athletes, who ofttimes drink carbohydrate laden 'sports' drinks or sodas that contain well-nigh no potassium OR magnesium, end upwardly depleting these vital nutrients while exercising- which can end up being mortiferous.

Fifty-fifty sodas with artificial sweeteners can be one of the Causes of Heart Palpitations!! Then, the moral is that there is just simply no place for soda of any kind in the diet of ANYONE- except on a very rare ground. Breaking the soda habit, if you have 1, is probably one of the accented all-time wellness maintaining habits you tin make.

Digestive Problems are
What Causes Low Potassium

Digestive issues are a big cause of low potassium and magnesium levels. In that location are two means that digestive issues tin cause electrolyte imbalances.

Digestive Losses

The first mode is through losses such as diarrhea and vomiting where the potassium is lost in the trunk fluid losses. This ane is quite obvious and usually no one who has a astringent case of 'nutrient poisoning' is surprised to find out about an electrolyte imbalance from one of these.. ahem... uncomfortable problems.

But those withCHRONIC digestive losses to loose stools, such equally in cases of Crohn's Disease or irritable bowel syndrome, will very often find that this causes low potassium on a chronic footing and have difficulty keeping their electrolyte levels upward.

Absorption Problems

The other digestive problem that causes low potassium is ordinarily more subtle and harder to effigy out. Poor absorption of nutrients is not always such an obvious problem, just people with chronic fatigue, weakness and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia may only have issues arresting multiple nutrients.

Ane of the issues that is often overlooked in these cases isGluten Sensitivity which can lead to a condition called Increased Intestinal Permeability that prevents the absorption of nutrients.

If you take chronic:

  • Difficulty maintaining a Normal Potassium Level
  • Low Magnesium Levels
  • Low Vitamin B12 Levels
  • Low Blood Calcium Levels and/or osteoporosis

And then you should consider that yous may very well take digestive malabsorption issues and that may be what isCausing Low Potassiumin your case. There are really simply a few reasons for low potassium levels, and so consider this page carefully when yous are trying to decide why you are having these problems.

If y'all accept low potassium or potassium deficiency, you probably take other abnormal lab results as well. Keep reading to get help in Understanding Blood Test Results better...

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Understanding Blood Exam Results

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My question is, Why do my claret tests ever prove that I have depression Potassium levels? I accept diuretics for my heart problems. My Heart issues are not …

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Source: https://www.easy-immune-health.com/causes-low-potassium.html

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