How to Always Be Imposter in Among Us

Everybody wants to be the murderer, nobody wants to be the murdered. An understandable preference, of course, but easier said than done in Among Us. You know,Among Us,the thin dividing line between the first segment of your life when your friends and family trusted you and the second side when you've burned every bridge with every friend you ever had, one smooth backstab at a time.

With a standard game of Among Us consisting of ten players with but oneimposter, your odds of being the Imposter just barely manage to squeak into the double digits. Sure, you can join the triple imposter rooms where you might as well reach around and stab your own self in the back in the lobby, but there's a special charm that comes with being the singular shapeshifting saboteur.

Related: How to Play Among Us for Free on PC [Workaround]

Naturally,everyonewants to know if there's a way to up your odds of being the imposter in Among us, or even how to be the imposter everytime. Well…

  • How to Always Be Imposter in Among Us
    • Use Freeplay Mode
    • Be Patient (Best)
    • Leave, leave, leave (Worst)

How to Always Be Imposter in Among Us

We hate to break it to you, but there is —fortunately —no way to guarantee being the impostereverytime in Among Us. There's nothing you can do about the odds either. The only way to improve your chance of being the Imposter is to join a triple imposter room. No matter what you read online, about certain skins or colors or other tricks, hacks or supposed glitches, there exists no true exploit to game the system in your favor.

And be thankful there isn't!

What many seem to forget is that games are designed to maximize player enjoyment. The sole purpose of slaving over the gulag that is game development is to create something so uniquely engaging that players mightchoose to spend money on it. Genuine hacks, exploits, and "tricks" to circumvent the parameters of the game's design inherently break the game's enjoyment delivery system. Remember any PUBG or Fall Guys match where someone hacked their way to unstoppable victory without breaking a sweat.

It sucked.

And it honestly sucks for the hacker too. Rather, it might make the hacker smile but not out of the enjoyment of the beloved game, but out of the sadistic joy of flipping the bird to so many others just trying to play the game as it was intended. The true exhilaration of solid gameplay comes from competition. An uncertain outcome is what makes it fun in the first place.

Related: How to Update Among Us on PC, Android, and iPhone

 Use Freeplay Mode

Now, it may not constitute "being the imposter' in the real sense that you're looking for, but if you're eager to sharpen your crewmate slaying skills for whenever the algorithm nods in your direction, you can always load up the Freeplay mode that lets players practice being crewmate or imposter. It's a great way to make sure whenever youdoget the chance to be the imposter that you have everything you need to make the most of it.

Be Patient (Best)

Among Us Imposter Screen

Patience is a virtue. Nowhere does this hold more true than in Among Us. If you want to be Imposter, just playmore games.And enjoy the thrill, paranoia, and erroneous accusations that come with being a crewmate. Time flies when you're having fun.

Related: Among Us Crossplay Between Mobile and PC Explained!

Leave, leave, leave (Worst)

Among Us Leaver

There is a special circle in hell for leavers. Sure, everybody wants to be the imposter, but ask yourself: if everyone leaves so they can be an imposter, what's it going to be like when it's finally you? That's right.

Currently, there is no penalty for leaving mid-game in Among Us, which… seems strange considering how integral the ratio of Imposters to players is. If you have a three imposter game and 2 players leave, as soon as two players are killed its game over. Which, frankly, sucks.

Don't be a part of the problem. Leavers are really the only serious issue in the otherwise nigh-perfect, compact game that is Among Us (apart from the constantly overloaded servers searing themselves to the floor at Innersloth).

Now that you know there's no way to game the system, go and wring as much satisfaction as you can out of murdering crewmates and blaming others for your crimes. And also check out our Among Us archives for plenty more where that came from.


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How to Always Be Imposter in Among Us


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