What Is L Facebook Com Referral Traffic
Option 2: Combine Facebook Referrals by Device
To split mobile and desktop Facebook referrals:
You will need two filters for this. Follow the same steps above, and adjust the STEP 5 filter configuration for each filter like this:
Filter name: "Unify Desktop Facebook Referrals."Filter Field find and select: Campaign SourceSearch Stringenter: ^(l|web)\.facebookReplace Stringenter: facebookFilter name: "Unify Mobile Facebook Referrals."Filter Field find and select: Campaign SourceSearch Stringenter: ^(lm|mobile|touch)\.facebookReplace Stringenter: m.facebookThat"s it! From now on your Facebook referrals will be better reported.
What is the Meaning of the Different Facebook Referrals?
Now you know that these multiple referrals don"t add any value to your Analytics and you should combine them. Using the methods above.
But why are they split like that? and what"s their meaning?
As I mentioned before this is only how Facebook handles its links internally and has nothing to offer your Analytics. But to help you understand, I"ll describe the most common ones.
What is m.facebook.com?
This one is easy. As you can probably imagine, the referral preceding by an m. comes from mobile devices, while the regular one "facebook.com" comes from a desktop/laptop computer.
In some occasions, you may see them as web.facebook.com (desktop) or mobile.facebook.com
What is l.facebook.com?
Whenever you see the referral l.facebook.com it means that the user passed through a Link Shim before arriving at your site.
A link shim (represented by the letter "L") is a privacy measure introduced by Facebook in 2008 and has two purposes:
Protect the privacy of the userby removing any personal information in the referrer (URL) like IDs or usernames.Protecting the user from Malicious Sites: Facebook checks for flagged sites and if they detect one it shows a warning to the user so he/she can continue or cancel the action.Xem thêm: Cách Chuyển File Download Sang Ổ Khác, Mẹo Thay Đổi Thư Mục Download Mặc Định Của Chrome
Now, don"t worry!, most of the time when you see an l.facebook.com it is just for privacy reasons. But if you want to make sure you are not flagged, just open one of your links from Facebook, if you don"t see any warning then it"s OK.
What is lm.facebook.com?
The referral lm.facebook.com is exactly the same as l.facebook.com the only difference is that the user came from a mobile device
How to Combine m|lm|l.facebook.com Referrals for Better Reporting in #GoogleAnalyticsClick To Tweet
Wrapping it up
Most of the time you will see your referrals with only one name (like Twitter or LinkedIn).
In Facebook cases, you can find a multiple different referrals. This extra information will only split your data and make it more difficult to analyze.
To avoid this, you can easily combine them and get better reports from Facebook.
How to Combine m|lm|l.facebook.com Referrals for Better Reporting in #GoogleAnalyticsClick To Tweet
Improve the quality of your Analytics data
Answer the following basic questions:
Do you have filters for ghost, crawler and language spam?If yes, Are those filters efficient? meaning you don"t have to create/update them constantly.Are you blocking good bots and spiders?Are you filtering development and test environments?Are you filtering internal traffic (traffic generated by you or your team)?Do you have a clean segment to remove spam from your historical data?If any of your answers is "NO," then you probably are getting junk traffic that is corrupting your data.
Need help setting up a robust and reliable Google Analytics reporting for your website/business?
Filters for data quality User interaction tracking (events, goals)E-commerce trackingGDPR compliance | Google Tag Manager implementationIntegrations (Google Ads, Search Console, etc)Custom reports (Dashboards, Data studio)Monthly reporting and more... |
What Is L Facebook Com Referral Traffic
Source: https://internetstartup.vn/l-facebook-com-la-gi/
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