Difference Between Picture Box and Image Box in Vb6 0

This Project Add Data and Image to the Database and Retrieve Image and Display to Image Box

Submitted by nass on Monday, July 19, 2010 - 10:15.

THIS PROJECT ADD DATA AND IMAGE TO THE DATABASE AND RETRIEVE IMAGE AND DISPLAY THEM IN IMAGE BOX CONTROL when user click one of the data from datagrid view control..The codes are cleary arranged and understandable...Run the project and have fun... For any question about the codes just contact me.. Commebts are allowed..



can this be done using ms access 2007 database. if it can be done. i would appreciate much if u'll email me.tnx bro. [email protected]


though its simple, its nice...thanks, i've downloaded the code for reference.


if you want complex one i will upload for you or give me your email adress... Happy coding


can u send me complex one to??so i can reference it in my thesis?? thank you...heres my add [email protected]


ca you help me make a simple library system with log in, borrowig and returning and will be automatically added in the database. For example my instock is 20 books and a student will borrow 5 books and if he is going to return the book instock of books will be 20 again.. and also a code that he is only allowed to borrow 3 times.. pls help me sir.. thank you..


hi, i saw your little problem is quite interesting, am working on a project tht will save data and image in access, pls can u help me with the code cos am using vb.net 2010, the one u re using here is vb6..thanks my email is [email protected]


i will try to make a simple project like that one using vb.net 2010.... but if u know c# also i have a simple project which save data and image in access...


hi! guys. can you help me to create simple e-dictionary using vb 6. a software which we can use to search ass. with definition? the problem is i am a beginners in programming. so it recommended that we use vb 6 as our starting language.. so i assign to do a simple dictionary related to agriculture... i need help.. even it is a prototype i accept it pls. emai me at [email protected] thnks so much..


do you have an enrollment system?can u share it...tnx...

help me..

hi...can you help me displaying image from picturebox? we were doing a water billing system which we need to make an image browser in adding customer.

water billing system

Download that project above ,it has full concept on how to display image in picturebox from database. Codes are cleary and understandable.. Many who download it they understand it..

help me

how i can show photo in data report student name student father name roll no photo (show photo)

duplicate entry

Private Sub cmdsave_Click() If txtcitenum.Text = "" Or cbounit.Text = "" Or cbotype.Text = "" Or txtcommotype.Text = "" Or txtmessagetype.Text = "" Or txtmessage.Text = "" Or txtbranch.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Some Fields are still Empty!", vbExclamation, "" txtsearch.Text = "" txtcitenum.BackColor = vbWhite txtcommotype.BackColor = vbWhite txtmessagetype.BackColor = vbWhite txtmessage.BackColor = vbWhite Exit Sub Else sql = "select UNITID,CommoID,SUBJECT_MESSAGE,DATE_RECEIVED from tblincoming where UNITID like '" & cbounit.Text & "' and CommoID = '" & txtcommotype.Text & "' and SUBJECT_MESSAGE like '" & txtmessagetype.Text & "' and DATE_RECEIVED like '" & lbldate.Caption & "';" Call OpenConnection(conn, rs, sql) 'While (rs.MoveNext() = True) 'End While If rs.EOF = False Then If rs.Fields("UNITID").Value Like cbounit.Text And rs.Fields("CommoiD").Value = txtcommotype.Text And rs.Fields("SUBJECT_MESSAGE").Value Like txtmessage.Text And rs.Fields("DATE_RECEIVED").Value Like lbldate.Caption Then MsgBox "Incoming Message Already received within this day!", vbInformation, "ALREADY RECEIVED" txtcitenum.BackColor = vbRed txtcommotype.BackColor = vbRed txtmessagetype.BackColor = vbRed txtmessage.BackColor = vbRed Else txtcitenum.BackColor = vbWhite txtcommotype.BackColor = vbWhite txtmessagetype.BackColor = vbWhite txtmessage.BackColor = vbWhite Exit Sub End If Else sql = "insert into tblincoming values(" sql = sql & " '" & txtcitenum.Text & "'," sql = sql & " '" & dtfrom.Value & "'," sql = sql & " '" & lbltime.Caption & "'," sql = sql & " '" & cbounit.Text & "'," sql = sql & " '" & cbotype.Text & "'," sql = sql & " '" & txtcommotype.Text & "'," sql = sql & " '" & txtmessage.Text & "'," sql = sql & " '" & txtremarks.Text & "'," sql = sql & " '" & " " & "'," sql = sql & " '" & " " & "'," sql = sql & " '" & " " & "');" Call CloseConnection(rs, conn) Call TransactToDatabase(sql) MsgBox "Successfully saved..", vbInformation, "Success" Call cmdenableform Call getmessage txtcitenum.BackColor = vbWhite txtcommotype.BackColor = vbWhite txtmessagetype.BackColor = vbWhite txtmessage.BackColor = vbWhite Call CLIR End If End If End Sub that is my code in vb6.0 in avoid duplicate entry but it still does not work.. it says that either bof or eof is true or the current record has been deleted requested operation requires a current record. what shoul id do??? is anyone can help to fix this

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Difference Between Picture Box and Image Box in Vb6 0

Source: https://www.sourcecodester.com/visual-basic/project-add-data-and-image-database-and-retrieve-image-and-display-image-box.html

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